This Job Interview Questions and Answers will get you any job at once

10x Job Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

If you are shortlisted for a Job interview, there is a chance that you might be offered the opportunity to work for the company. However, there is still one more stage you’ll have to undergo before getting hired, and that’s the interview. Below there are tips of how you can prepare for those interview questions. 

You will probably be up against several other candidates who will all be asked the same basic questions. Your interviewers will also dig a bit deeper, getting you to clarify the answers you give and expand on what you have written in your application and CV. 

We have prepared the frequently asked questions by interviewers which have also stood the test of time. The following questions will, without a doubt, appear in your interview session and you can familiarize yourself to make you feel at ease before your interview :

•   Tell us about yourself?

This question is always the first to get you calm your nerves down and allow you the freedom to market yourself without dictating specific answers, but be careful that you don’t get carried away. 

•    What made you apply for this position?

This questioning is close to being a decider on whether or not you get hired, as your reasoning will help guide the interviewer’s decision. You will have to tell the recruiters what attracted you to apply for the opportunity and how your skills relate. 

•    Why do you want to work for our company?

Interviewers ask this question, trusting you have done background research on the company before you applied, otherwise the question will throw you in the deep end. Your reasons need to show that you have looked into the company beyond a quick read of the ‘about us’ section on its website and that you and the employer are a good fit.

•    Why do you want to work in this Industry in particular?

Your interviewers will be expecting you share what fascinated you about the industry. You must be honest if you haven’t yet decided about working in the industry after you graduated. Sometimes it shows in your response that it’s something you want to try out rather than a planned career choice. 

•    What are your strengths? 

This question seeks to find out about your skills and personality traits or talents. This will also contribute to your interviewer’s decision making consider whether your skill set will be a good fit within the existing team. Be honest about what you can do or not do as it will complicate things for you if you get hired on the basis of a skill you don’t have. 

•    How do you prioritise your work?

This is important to your employer as they would want to find out whether they can trust you on the busiest days. They want to find out if you can stop whatever that you were doing and also how busy you are as a person. If you feel that the question is not clear, ask to find out more about what kind of expectation your employer has.

•    Tell us about a time when you have successfully dealt with a difficult situation?

The question is meant to find out about our ability to deal with conflicts and how you resolve them. You have to bear in mind that you will be working with different personalities who behave differently to your expectations. This will help your employer learn about your emotional intelligence and problem-solving skills.    

•    Do you have any question that you want to ask us?

You have to appear to be interested in knowing about what you will be doing on a day-to-day basis on the job. You can ask the employer about their expectations from the selected candidate.  

You can also ask about the company culture, this question would give the employer the impression that you engaged with the interview, rather than just waiting for the questions to end so you can leave (as this question is usually the last question).

These tips will bring you closer to landing your dream job, and learning them to perfection will put you in an advantageous position. Good luck for your future interviews. 

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