How Much 2024 NSFAS Allowances Are For Online TVET College Students

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has assisted millions of students obtain tertiary education qualifications since its establishment. They achieved this by providing comprehensive funding to students that aims to cover all the costs associated with getting a degree.

NSFAS bursaries include tuition and registration fees. They also include several NSFAS allowances for students. This includes an accommodation allowance. 

Many students stay far away from the institutions they are enrolled at and require accommodation near their university or Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College. NSFAS provides allowances for accommodation to students who need it. 

How Much 2024 NSFAS Allowances Are For Online TVET College Students

Distance TVET College students qualify for the personal care allowance of R3,045 only. 

To understand why NSFAS only provides one allowance for Online TVET College students we need to unpack what distance education is. 

NSFAS defines distance education as a mode of provision based primarily on a set of teaching and learning strategies (or educational methods) that can be used to overcome spatial and/or transactional distance between educators and students. 

It avoids the need for students to discover the curriculum by attending classes frequently and for long periods. Instead, it may use a combination of different media, tutorial support, peer group discussion, and practical sessions. 

Distance learning/online TVET college students only receive a personal care allowance as NSFAS assumes they have accommodation and do not need a travel allowance as they are most likely studying from home. 

A TVET College student categorised as a distance learning student by the TVET College and who is enrolled for the minimum number of subjects required, namely 5 out of 7 subjects for NC(v) or 3 out of 4 subjects for Report 191.
All students applying for NSFAS must meet the requirements for a NSFAS bursary or a NSFAS missing middle student loan.

These eligibility criteria include being a South African citizen, studying towards an approved qualification and meeting the NSFAS household income threshold of R350,000 for able-bodied students and R600,000 for students living with disabilities.

While you only have to apply for NSFAS once, the financial aid scheme will assess whether or not you will be funded for the duration of your qualification. The requirements to continue being funded by NSFAS include meeting financial and academic requirements.

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