SALARY : R124 434 per annum
CENTRE : Labour Centre: Germiston-Ref No: HR 4/4/4/07/09 (X1 Post)
Durban Labour Centre-Ref No: HR4/4/5/45 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Standard 8/ Grade 10. Knowledge: Cleaning Practices, Catering, Office
Practice. Skills: Interpersonal. Verbal Communication and Listening.
DUTIES : Ensure a clean office environment at all times. Provide food services aid. Assist
in distributing stock. Assist with messenger functions.
ENQUIRIES : Ms SH Ceasar Tel No: (011) 814 7096
Mr S Biyase Tel No: (031) 401 9424
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 4560, Johannesburg, 2001 Hand
deliver at 77 de Korte Street, Braamfontein
Deputy Director: Durban Labour Centre, PO Box 10047, Durban 4056 or hand
deliver at Govt Buildings, Masonic Grove Durban
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resource Management, Provincial Office: Gauteng
Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, KwaZulu-Natal

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